Object being examined is wrong type no object being examined cols could not be allocated Object has no name Expecting a column Only Menu Items in display supported Only Row Whose supported No display context No document context Mixing DataTable and Report row/column Can't make it Only counts windows, tables Property not known Must be one of {Average,Centroid,Ward,Single,Complete} x x x x x x x Only 5 delimiters allowed Only numeric columns supported Data Type Not Supported Mismatch of rows/columns and data Invalid row number Only counts rows or columns rows could not be allocated Whose and Range only works on rows Table Not Found Cells only accessed from columns Rows only accessed from tables and columns Not a valid marker Not a valid color number of items must be number of responses x x x Contrasts must add to zero More values than levels in effect Effect Name Not Found Parameter Name Not Found x x Option does not match analysis x x Not a saving property for Distribution x x Must be Attribute table mismatch not a column too many variables No Table context column not found in table Marker must be 1 to 8 Color must be 1 to 65